Special Classes

Strength, Balance & Flexibility for Seniors

Each year, we learn more and more about the tremendous health benefits of staying physically active, especially in older adults. There is mounting evidence of exercise and its effects in maintaining strength, dignity and independence.

Regular strengthening exercises help prevent osteoporosis, thereby improving overall bone health.

Flexibility training improves muscle and fascia mobility, coordination and greatly reduces the occurrence of muscle strain.

These exercises are not only easy to learn and perform, but also have proven to be safe and effective in older adults.

Every Saturday from 1 pm to 2 pm

Fee of $15 per person

At least 4 individuals per batch

Maximum 8 people per batch

Personalised approach

Virtual class available over Zoom


Zumba is an exercise program based on dancing to the tunes of Latin-American music.

Besides helping with weight loss, it is a great cardiovascular exercise that teaches rhythm, coordination and balance. It reduces fatigue, improves alertness and concentration, thereby improving cognitive function.

The fun atmosphere helps you destress and has shown to have a positive impact on mental health. It is inclusive of all fitness levels and all ages!

Whether you are a dancer or not, Zumba welcomes you join in and let yourself free!

Every Saturday from 1 pm to 2 pm

Fee of $15 per person

At least 4 individuals per batch

Maximum 8 people per batch

Personalised approach

Virtual class available over Zoom

Postural Strengthening & Core Stability

Has the new post COVID-19 era affected your posture as well? Do you find yourself sitting for longer hours and hunching over in front of your computer? Is the relative lack of physical activity waking you up with neck and back stiffness? Do you aim to get out of the slumber and get back to safe return to physical activity? If the answer is yes, then this program is the right fit for you!

Core Stability has a significant impact on Postural strength! NHS states “Many children with coordination difficulties have reduced core stability.” When our postural control and core stability is weaker, our muscles find it hard to hold our body upright and the result is a weak and slouched posture. Weaker postural muscles could result in Low back pain, neck pain, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, reduced balance and proprioception, lack of coordination etc.

Start your strong, balanced, pain free life today by joining us to this class!

Every Saturday from 1 pm to 2 pm

Fee of $15 per person

At least 4 individuals per batch

Maximum 8 people per batch

Personalised approach

Virtual class available over Zoom