Our Services

Our Services

Catering To All Your Physio Needs

Beacon Physio Service Physiotherapy


Physiotherapists are medical professionals that specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions that impact movement.

Physiotherapy treatment techniques are aimed at alleviating muscular, joint and nerve symptoms. Physiotherapy is widely sought after for, not only injury rehabilitation, but also injury prevention. This discipline uses a combination of hands-on approach as well as other techniques to aide in restoring, maintaining and maximizing strength, function, movement and improving overall health.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized area within physical therapy focusing on the rehabilitation of muscles in the pelvic floor after injury or dysfunction.

Pelvic Floor PT treats a group of muscles that are involved with urinary, bowel, and sexual function. If these muscles aren’t functioning properly it can lead to a variety of symptoms (incontinence, erectile dysfunction, urinary retention and more). The goal of Pelvic Floor PT is to improve pelvic floor function through exercises, lifestyle modifications, education and hands on treatment to decrease and eliminate your symptoms.

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Pelvic Floor
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Physical therapists at Beacon Physiotherapy incorporate an array of manual techniques based on your needs.

Manual therapy can be used for a wide variety of injuries across all spectrums of neck pain, low back pain, frozen shoulder, whiplash, and more.

Joint mobilization, myofascial release, trigger point release, instrument-assisted manual therapy such as graston and cupping are some of the techniques that our Physiotherapists use to restore joint mobility, improve muscle control and flexibility, reduce pain and improve the efficiency of movement.


Acupuncture is an ancient, safe and effective alternative to medication and, in some cases, surgery. Acupuncture stimulates the balance and flow of Qi energy that in traditional Chinese medicine is considered essential to health. Acupuncture treats both the symptoms and the root causes of the patient’s illness. It stimulates the release of endorphins – the body’s natural pain-relieving neurohormones – through the insertion of needles into specific anatomical points (acupuncture points) to encourage natural healing. Therapeutic effects include:

– Pain relief
– Increased energy
– Improved mood
– Improved body function

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Acupuncture
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Functional Dry Needling

Functional Dry Needling/TPN

Dry needling is gaining a lot of popularity and usage. It is performed by skilled, trained Physiotherapists certified in the procedure.

This method uses fine filament needles gently inserted into strategic locations in the body. It involves the use of needles to stimulate and break up knotted muscle tissue called “trigger points”.

Therapeutic Exercise Prescription

Exercise prescription is an integral part of any successful Physiotherapy treatment plan.

Prescriptive exercises that are safe and effective, are designed with a specific purpose – be it increasing your range of motion, improving muscle and bone health, increasing cardiovascular capacity, improving balance and coordination. Every patient receives an exercise program that is tailor made for them, so they can reach their goals quicker and more effectively.

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Prescriptive Exercise
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation

VR is a specialized form of physical therapy used to treat vestibular disorders or symptoms, characterized by dizziness, vertigo, and trouble with balance, posture, and vision.

It often comprises of therapist assisted manual manoeuvres. In some cases, it is followed by an exercise program to be completed by the patient at home in order to achieve consistency and to alleviate symptoms.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is defined as a wave with a rapid increase of pressure within a very short time. Shockwaves are aimed at the affected areas that are the source of chronic pain. The influence of the shockwaves causes breakdown of calcium deposits and leads to establish better circulation. Shockwave is most commonly used for:
– Plantar fasciitis
– Inflammations & calcifications of shoulder joint tendons
– Pain in hip, groin area
– Tennis elbow/ Golfer’s elbow
– Jumper’s knee
– Pain in tendon insertions
– Painful trigger points, muscle spasms

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Shockwave Therapy 2
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Cold Laser

Cold Laser Therapy

Multi Radiance Super Pulsed Lasers are used at the site of injury to promote healing, remodelling and reduce inflammation. When used on lymph nodes, they assist in reducing oedema and inflammation.

It helps to induce analgesia when experiencing nerve pain, release trigger points, reduce muscle spasms.

At Beacon Physiotherapy, we tend to incorporate LASER into your treatment program in conjunction with other treatment techniques, to extract the best possible results for you.

Electrotherapeutic Modalities

Electrical modalities, such as neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), ultrasound, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and interferential current (IFC) are all designed to stimulate tissue healing and to restore normal tissue function.

Electrotherapeutic modalities may also help with reduced dependence on pain medication. These modalities help to manage acute and chronic pain by transmitting sound waves or electrical energy to cause neuromodulation and thereby reducing pain, swelling and inflammation, improve muscle flexibility and strength.

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Electrotherapeutic
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Concussion

Concussion Rehabilitation

A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head. The sudden back and forth movement can throw the brain into a Neurometabolic cascade changing the chemical make-up of the brain for a short period of time.

Concussion is one of the most common sports injuries across all age categories, accounting for 1 of every 10 sports-related injuries in children and young adults. Research now suggests that long-term rest after a concussion increases the probability of prolonged symptomology. Our Physiotherapist can help you assess the severity of your condition and plan an individualized treatment plan for your injury and help you get back to pre-accident levels.

Custom Orthotics

There is a significant correlation between the lower body kinematics to your ankle and foot mechanics at rest as well as during activities such as walking and running.

Beacon Physiotherapy provides a combination of hands-on assessment of lower body biomechanics along with cutting edge 3-D Gait analysis to identify the best orthotic fit for your feet.

The lab manufactured orthotics ensure optimal distribution of weight bearing forces and enable you to enjoy the activities that you love, pain-free!

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Orthotics
Beacon Physiotherapy Service Functional Taping

Functional Taping

Taping helps injured joints and body parts protect the area from further injury and allow an earlier return to activity. Applying tape to the affected area may heighten proprioceptive awareness.

Taping also provides support to the area of injury allowing muscles that have tightened to relax and thus facilitating an accelerated return to pre-injury level.

Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy focuses on soft tissue manipulation to enhance muscle performance and promote relaxation of the body’s nervous system.

The goal of massage therapy is to restore and maintain optimal health and pain free function of the body.

It is a natural form of therapy that promotes healing, circulation, and waste reduction in tissues.

Beacon Physiotherapy Service Massage Therapy
Beacon Physio Service Virtual Physiotherapy

Virtual Physiotherapy

Virtual Physiotherapy offers an alternative way to get support from a Physiotherapist with no need for face-to-face visits, through an online program and exercises you can complete at home. Whether you find it difficult to leave or simply prefer the convenience and comfort of your home, you can connect with our experienced Physiotherapists for a 1-on-1 session from anywhere in Ontario.

Virtual Physiotherapy, or tele-rehabilitation, involves using video calls to provide Physiotherapy services remotely. This type of Physiotherapy upholds the same safety, effectiveness, and ethical standards of care as in-person visits.